The details are still cementing, but I've known I was going somewhere for a long time. This year God has been doing something cool in our college career group. I don't think I've ever been a part of a group so together in our response to the call God has put on our hearts for justice.
With that collective heart, we began to pool our funds to buy solar powered lights in order to give them to people who desperately needed safer light! Kerosene lanterns are dangerous. Children get burns, the dim lighting is terrible for young eyes doing homework, and the fumes are toxic.
As soon as we began to consider sending a team to go with the lanterns to wherever they were going to go, I felt something rise up within my heart and I knew I was supposed to go.
Now, missions has always been something on my heart, and I would be lying if I said that I haven't felt that passion rise up within my heart multiple times before. So I prayed about it, and thought about it. There was a lot of time to think and pray.
Every time we talked about it, I was still sure that I was going to go, but I wasn't sure why.
Then we found out we would be going to Uganda.. to give out these solar powered lanterns as well as hanging out, playing with and loving on former child soldiers. I KNEW I was going.
No crazy sign. Nothing miraculous. Just a calm, still, peace in my heart. Sometimes God speaks with a whisper.
It's going to be a lot of work. I know that. I have to raise a lot of funds in a short amount of time. I phrased that wrong... It's God's money. I have to be willing to humble myself and allow people to help me. That's going to be a learning curve in itself. As we know more and more, I will continue to update!
The organization that we will be working with is called Soldiers of Christ. Soldiers of Christ exists to take everything that the enemy intended for evil and use it for good. 2 Timother 2:3 says, "Endure hardships with us like a good soldier of Christ." That is their mission. They run a child sponsorship program of 65 students, and have a nursery school of 27 students. They aim to create sustainability through income generating activities in Uganda, such as bringing the solar powered lights into the community. The inability to have a clean, healthy source of light is a INJUSTICE.
Please be praying for our team!
Please pray that visas, finances and all the other logistics fall into place.
If you want some specifics to pray into, there is a list below.
Some people are still praying about whether this is where God wants them to be this July, so please pray for clarity.
FINANCES: (This one is a doozy)
I'm going to give the whole breakdown
Ground Fees ($1000):
$100 by March 30th.
$900 by June 1st
Airfare (Approx. $1900-2000)
$100 by April 12th
$ ??? by May 3rd
Visa ( Approx $120)
Visas due July 1st
Other costs? Immunizations and insurance..
Total (approx) cost of this trip: $3200-$3500
Like I said, I knew this was going to be hard for me. When I went to YWAM, I paid for it because I didn't need to raise funds. I'm discovering that it's actually a very humbling experience to ask people to help.
That being said, I am working very hard to raise money. I am selling jewelry and all of the proceeds are going towards funding this trip. If you like jewelry or you know anyone who likes jewelry or if you know anyone who knows anyone who likes jewelry, check out my site!!
Everything is hand-made by me and completely original and unique!
If you feel like God has been placing it on your heart to support me financially, check out "How to donate" at the top of this page and decide which option works best for you! ** You can receive a tax receipt if you donate through the church!**