Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wow.. it's here

So... I'm taking a "quick" break from packing and making sure everything is ready to go to make sure that y'all have a nice update about the trip. Seems like a good time to do it since we're leaving tomorrow!!

For those of you who haven't heard, this has been one of the coolest experiences of my life so far.  God has been so good to us in providing everything we've needed and MORE through friends and family all over the place.  Here are just a FEW examples about how God has been bringing this entire trip into reality, and filling my life with His abundant blessings at the same time.

We held a concert in June, and it was such an awesome blessing to sing with my family one more time before we all head all over the place.  I can't believe we won't be in the same province.. or COUNTRY next year.

 Through all the fundraising, we were able to raise enough funds to purchase 80 lights! How amazing is that? Each light costs $50, so you do the math.  In addition to that, all of the money came together for all of us to be able to go. I know it was a little stressful in the end there for some of us, but it was really cool to see how God will provide when you have faith and believe that you are supposed to do something. 

In addition to the lights, we asked our contacts in Uganda if there were any other needs that they had.  They replied that a couple of backpacks, some reading glasses, and a computer would be nice.  Well after it's all said and done, we have 105 brand new backpacks (along with some used ones), over 350 glasses, and we even have a heavy duty laptop to bring along!! Is that a couple? I hope so...How cool is that? I love how everything just came together.  Man.. SO cool.

ALSO, it was our desire to give the kids some swimming lessons while we were there.  There's a local pool in Gulu, but we knew that we would have to pay for each individual kid to enter, and were unsure about where the money would come from.  Lo and behold, the church family of one of our teammates donated a TON of money allocated to pay for the children to have these swimming lessons. 

Through my job at the restaurant, I made some contacts who ended up inviting us to share about our story on the local news.  It was really cool to see how even people outside of the church want to hear about what we are doing and want to support us.  I'll post the video at the bottom so that you can watch it if you'd like.  Kind of crazy though, eh?

Time and time again, this trip has been such a testimony about who God is and how He provides and cares for us. 

I just KNOW that there are going to be so many more stories to share about what He does in Uganda.  I won't have internet access, so I'll try to journal while I'm there and update you once I'm home.

To those of you who are praying for us, THANK YOU SO MUCH. We need it, appreciate it and love you for supporting us.  To those of you who donated time, money or any of your resources, THANK YOU for being a part of our trip in that way. 

I can't wait to share picture and stories.  For now, pray that I won't go insane tonight trying to pull everything together, and that I don't forget something uber important like my passport, which I JUST remembered while typing this.  PTL that I decided to blog.

Love you all,
ps. Check out the video below!!!

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